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Em 01/11/13 12:40.
English UFG - Undergraduate Programs


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The Universidade Federal de Goiás has 24 academic divisions apart from the advanced campi. In the 2007 selective process, 3,783 vacancies were offered among the 67 undergraduate programs which are now available in the university, which will result in about 14,000 registered students. Furthermore, the university offers teaching in elementary and secondary education levels in the Center for Teaching and Research Applied to Education – CEPAE, as well as foreign language courses in the Language Center at the School of Literature and Languages.

The 67 undergraduate programs are divided into the categories Teaching Education Program, Bachelor Program and Professional Practice. These programs are in the areas of Exact and Earth Sciences, Engineering, Biological Sciences, Health Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Human Sciences, Applied Social Sciences and Linguistics, Letters, and Arts.

In the area of Exact and Earth Sciences, there are programs in Computer Sciences, Physics, Mathematics and Chemical Studies. In the area of Engineering, we have the Civil Engineering program, Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering. In the area of Health Sciences, there are courses in Nursing, Pharmacy, Medicine, Nutrition and Medical Science.

In the area of Agricultural Sciences, UFG offers programs in Agronomy, Food Engineering and Veterinary. In Human Sciences, courses in Social Sciences, Physical Education, Philosophy, Geography, History and Pedagogy are offered. In the area of Applied Social Sciences, we have courses in Law, Library Science and Social Communication (in which the university offers three kinds of degree), Journalism, Marketing and Public Relations.

In the area of Linguistics, Letters and Arts, the university offers programs in Literature and Languages, Drama, Visual Arts, in which are offered degrees in Plastic Arts (Painting, Sculpture, Engraving and Photography), Graphic Design and Interior Design, Fashion Design, Teacher Education Program in Visual Arts, and Music, which offer degrees in Singing, Music Composition, Musical Instruments, Choir Conducting and Music Therapy.

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