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Samambaia Campi
Universidade Federal de Goiás offers graduate programs Lato Sensu – Specialization – and Stricto Sensu – Doctorate and Master’s Degree. The Graduate Programs – Master’s Degree and Doctorate – which are offered by UFG are all recommended by CAPES.
The Specialization courses contemplate all areas of knowledge and are offered by the Office of Academic Affairs as well as by the Advanced Campi in Catalão and Jataí. The UFG Virtual offers a long-distance Specialization course in partnership with the School of Education.
The university offers Master’s Degree programs in the area of Physics, Mathematics and Statistics, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical and Construction Engineering, Electrical and Computation Engineering, Biology, Ecology and Evolution, Nursing, Pharmaceutical Science, Health Sciences, Dentistry, Tropical Medicine, Food Science, Agronomy, Agricultural Business, Animal Science, Sociology, Philosophy, History, Geography, Education, Science and Mathematics Education, Communication, Letters and Linguistics, Music, Visual Culture.
As for Doctorate, it is offered in the area of Chemistry, Biology, Ecology and Evolution, Environmental Sciences, Health Sciences, Tropical Medicine, Agronomy, Animal Science, History, Geography, Education, Letters and Linguistics.