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Sur 01/11/13 12:40.
English UFG - Community Services and Facilities


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In order to contribute with the development and improvement of the community life, the academic divisions and the organizations at Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG) render services to the population.

The School of Dental Science (Faculdade de Odontologia - FO) offers dental service by means of agreements between the university and other institutions and of extension projects in philanthropic entities. The agreements associated with the State and Council Health Offices allow students to provide dental services to the community during their process of learning as long as they are monitored by teachers and the service is adapted for public service. The agreements associated with the Voluntary Organization in Goiás (Organização das Voluntárias de Goiás - OVG) enables patients with special needs to be attended.

The Goiano Center for Oral Diseases (Centro Goiano de Doenças da Boca - GDB) was recently created. Its aim is to diagnose and treat oral lesions as well as the oral displays of oral systemic/infectious-contagious diseases and oral cancer. This Center shall be the first to provide this kind of treatment in the Center-West region to the community. The FO intends to develop integrated researches to be carried out at this Center along with other well-known centers in the country and worldwide. This measure will improve undergraduate and graduate teaching in order to promote the population's health.

Since 1994 the Institute of Tropical Pathology and Public Health (Instituto de Patologia Tropical e Saúde Pública – IPTSP/UFG) provides services to the community by carrying out specialized laboratory exams through the Unique System of Health (Sistema Único de Saúde – SUS). The aim of the IPTSP is to increase the quality of its teaching in the practical classes in its undergraduate and graduate courses, as well as to maintain the high standard of quality in terms of carrying out and developing techniques for diagnosis of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases.

By controlling the quality of the services provided by private and public sectors, the IPTSP gives support to the functioning of the SUS and contributes to the formation of human resources and techniques elaborated to attend the community more fully.

The School of Nutrition extends its activities to the community through extension projects that help the population to get to know more about healthy eating habits by associating theory and practice. There are projects such as “The League of Arterial High Blood Pressure”, “Health Quality for Obese Patients” and AMAR project – Alcançando Menores Afastados Recuperáveis, which seek to give aid for the recovery of children with malnutrition and to training of people that could help expand the service.

The School of Pharmacy has laboratories which provide services to the community by way of activities such as research, teaching and extension. The Laboratory of Clinic Analysis Rômulo Rocha carries out additional exams in the area of microbiology, mycology, citopathology, hematology, parasitology, biochemistry, uroanalysis, serology, hormones, tumor markers and toxicology. The Laboratory of Food Quality Control (Laboratório de Controle de Qualidade de Alimentos – LCQA) does physical, chemical, physicochemical, microbiological and microscopic analyses on food, food products and raw materials, among other services. The Laboratory of Medicine Quality Control (Laboratório de Controle de Qualidade de Medicamentos – LCQM) is presently going through the implementation phase but it has already started to carry out analyses of raw material, medicine and related aspects.

The University Radio Station, which is associated with the School of Communication and Librarianship, is public and it aims to provide the community with an efficient channel in terms of expressiveness, proposition and surveillance of public politics, claiming of rights and arraignments of social policies such as poverty, calamity, poor housing and violence. In order to carry out these objectives, the University Radio Station constructs its strategies based on the broadcasting of interactive programs.

The Clinics Hospital (Hospital das Clínicas – HC) is a general university hospital which develops health assistance work to the population. It is the only public and federal unit in the state to attend the population in need, starting from highly complex proceedings, such as cardiac surgeries, orthopedic transplants of bone marrow, to pathologies included in the group of primary and secondary attention. The HC is also responsible for one third of urgency and emergency services in Goiânia and surrounding regions.
The maximum use of the installed infrastructure and its human resources ensures that the HC has multidisciplinary teams who develop various health education programs in distinct pathologies situations in life.

The School of Veterinary (Escola de Veterinária - EV) has a Center for Food Research (CPA) responsible for carrying out the food quality control meant for human consumption, animal consumption, raw material, intake and water. Physicochemical and microbiological analyses are required daily by the official organizations of regulation and surveillance, private and public companies, as well as the community itself. So, the CPA has shown locally and regionally its ability to achieve partnerships with the private sector and public organizations which can be noticed in the transference of knowledge, methodologies and technological results obtained from the teaching activities, research and the provision of specialized services. The analyses are carried out five days a week and it only collects samples on Thursdays until 10 a.m.

Another service available at EV is the Veterinary Hospital. It carries out services to the community and extension projects. This is possible due to two surgical centers appropriately equipped for animal assistance.

The Anthropology Museum was created in 1969 and its activities started in 1970. Its main objective is to promote anthropological interdisciplinary research to urges scientific knowledge of the regional culture. For the last few years, this activity has allowed for a large collection of ethnographic and archeological archives which have been dealt with according to strict museological criteria for preservation and documenting. In order for this to be done, resources given by institutions, for instance the VITAE Fund, have been of great importance and help. VITAE is a civil nonprofit organization which gives support to projects in the area of Culture, Education and Social Promotion. Its aim is to contribute to an improvement in the quality of life of the community.

The social feedback of the knowledge acquired in research goes back to the community through the planning and setting-up of public exhibitions. The university students and alumni, especially those who work as teachers in the educational system, have found the museum to be a rich source in terms of stimulus to the cultural knowledge of the region and the whole country. Therefore, the schools and its groups of students nowadays constitute the biggest public to attend the Anthropology Museum, especially elementary school pupils.

Goiânia's Planetarium was created in 1970. It is a “Space Master” type building. It was built by a German firm called Carl Zeiss Jena. Once it was given to the Ministry of Education and Culture, UFG saw to it that it was implemented in the city center. Mutirama Park was the area chosen for this project. The team from the university's Planetarium elaborates its own programs. They are created in order to attend to the various school levels. They present didactic themes in a pleasurable and entertaining way. These programs last from 40 minutes to an hour and must be previously booked by the school.

The Planetarium also offers three courses each semester. They have different themes and are presented in two levels. They aim to attend students in elementary and secondary schools as well as higher education. During the school holidays, specific courses are offered to teachers in the area of Geosciences.

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